bubbling water
Our Processes

Customized and Reliable.

Processes Overview of WEIL Wasseraufbereitung

In order to meet the highest standards of water quality for our customers and solve individual water treatment problems, we rely on a comprehensive portfolio of proven processes, which we explain below.

Reverse osmosis | Membrane filtration | Ion exchange | Filtration (gravel/sand filters) | Precipitation and flocculation | Adsorption | (UV) oxidation | Neutralization | Electrodeionization (EDI) | Degassing | Sedimentation | Flotation | Biological processes


Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is one of the so-called membrane processes, which is based on reversing the natural process of osmosis. In this process, water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane at high pressure.

Membrane Filtration

Membrane filtration is used to remove dissolved ions, molecules and particles from water. Depending on the pore size, a distinction is made between microfiltration (> 50 nm), ultrafiltration (10-50 nm), nanofiltration (1-10 nm) and reverse osmosis (0.5-1 nm).

Ion Exchange

Das Prinzip der Ionenaustauscher / Ionentauscher beruht darauf, im Wasser gelöste Ionen (=elektrisch geladene Teilchen) durch andere Ionen aus dem Ionenaustauschermaterial zu ersetzen.

Filtration (Gravel/Sand Filter)

Filter systems with sand/gravel filters are frequently used in water treatment. They are used for particle separation or iron and manganese removal.

Precipitation and Flocculation

The purpose of precipitation and flocculation is to convert dissolved or non-separable water constituents into a separable form. Precipitation/flocculation is usually followed by a further treatment stage to separate the substances from the water.


Adsorption is the accumulation of substances from gases or liquids on the surface of a solid. In water treatment, trace substances are often removed from the water by attaching them to a granular filter material.

(UV) Oxidation

UV systems are used in water treatment for disinfection purposes. Additionally, many other oxidizing agents such as chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide are used for disinfection, meaning the killing or inactivation of microorganisms.


Chemical neutralization involves adjusting the pH value by adding acidic or alkaline-reacting chemicals. This process is commonly used in wastewater treatment.


Electrodeionization (EDI) is an electrochemical process that combines the two processes of electrodialysis and ion exchange. This process makes it possible to remove ions and ionizable substances from water to the greatest possible extent.


Gas exchange involves either the removal of undesirable gases from water or the introduction of gases into the water.


Sedimentation is based on the principle that certain water constituents have a higher density than water itself, causing them to settle. This process occurs in basins or tanks to ensure that the water remains for a sufficient duration, allowing particles to settle. Flocculants or coagulants are often utilized to enhance settling behavior and reduce residence times.


During flotation, gas bubbles attach to water constituents and transport them to the water surface, where they are separated using a scraper system.

Biological Purification

Biological purification is based on the natural metabolism of microorganisms and uses this to convert unwanted water constituents into other products.