Water treatment consultation

consulting and planning for water treatment plants

You are looking for competent advice about water treatment? Then Weil Wasserbehandlung GmbH is the right place for you!

With more than 30 years of experience in water treatment and the treatment of industrial wastewater, Weil Wasserbehandlung GmbH advises its customers from industry and municipalities on the choice of suitable methods for water treatment. We support you in the production of process and drinking water and compliance with limit values for the discharge of wastewater, from stocktaking, preliminary examinations and pilot tests to the delivery and commissioning of water treatment plants. Each industry has its own special features. If readily degradable organic substances are in the foreground in sanitary wastewater and wastewater from the food industry, it is especially heavy metals that have to be removed in the areas of metal processing and, for example, the seepage water treatment landfill.

We offer consulting for the following industries:

  • Hot water and steam generators, incl. turbine operation
  • Food industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Refineries and the petrochemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Electroplating and metalworking industries
  • Industrial wastewater treatment
  • Landfill leachate
  • and many more...

We advise you according to your specific requirements and develop made-to-measure solutions together with you for the treatment of process and drinking water as well as for the treatment of industrial wastewater. Get in touch with us or fill out our questionnaire right away. We look forward to your inquiry!

Our team of engineers and technicians will accompany you from the very beginning


We come to you! For the inventory and an on-site inspection, we will come by your place.

Water analysis

Whether it is softening, reverse osmosis, or adsorption on activated carbon - whichever method it is, a detailed analysis of the raw or wastewater is the basis of the further planning.

Reverse Osmosis System

Pilot test

A pilot test serves as the basis for the selection of the method and the dimensioning of the cleaning system. Weil Wasserbehandlung GmbH offers pilot tests, including measurement campaigns, at your site.

Evaluation and reporting

The results of the preliminary tests provide an objective basis for the decision on the optimal design of the water treatment.

Water treatment plant

After a successful consultation, you will receive a made-to-measure offer for a water treatment system suitable for your requirements.

Delivery, installation and commissioning

The prefabricated system parts are delivered, assembled on site and put into operation by our engineers and technicians - also internationally.

Maintenance and repair service

Regular service with maintenance and repair work by our service technicians make our offer complete for you.

Pilot plant and measurement campaign

You can find out more about our range of pilot tests and measurement campaigns under Services.