Industrial plant by the sea at night
Chemical Industry and Refineries

Water Treatment for the Chemical Industry and Refineries

Treated water is an indispensable raw material for operations and production in the chemical industry and refineries. Without clean process water, there would be no gasoline and no chemical products such as plastics. In terms of water consumption, the chemical industry in Germany leads the manufacturing sector, using around 58 percent of the water used each year. That is around 2.6 billion cubic meters.  What are these gigantic quantities of water needed for?

Process water is used in industry as boiler feed water for steam generation, evaporates for cooling via cooling towers, is used for flushing or cleaning production facilities, or is used as ultrapure water for special applications in the pharmaceutical or chip industries, for example. Depending on the area of application, the treated process water must meet high requirements in terms of electrical conductivity, pH value, and other physicochemical parameters, such as water hardness. To ensure the required purity  of the process water, the raw water must be treated. The minimum requirement for boiler feed water, for example, is soft water without the hardness components calcium and magnesium, which is achieved by a simple softening plant with an ion exchanger. For the treatment of "salt-free" boiler feed water, on the other hand, the conductivity must be reduced to < 0.2µS/cm. Such purity can only be achieved by combining several processes, such as reverse osmosis (RO) and mixed bed filters or electrodeionization (EDI).

Whatever application is required in your plant, WEIL Wasseraufbereitung GmbH offers a wide range of processes for the treatment of process water as well as industrial wastewater treatment. We offer individually tailored water treatment plants and systems to supply your production facilities with process water so that you can concentrate on your core business.

A cooperation with WEIL provides you with:

  • Reliable supply of process water and ultrapure water
  • Reduction of operating costs through plant optimization
  • Reliable compliance with official regulations
  • Service for all aspects of plant technology and water quality

Further information on container-based plants for interim solutions or for rent can be found on our homepage under services. Information on water recycling can be found on our webpage under industrial wastewater. And for an inventory or to test suitable treatment processes, we offer water analyses as well as pilot tests at your site. If you are interested in a consultation on your specific situation, please contact us.

Our team of engineers and technicians will accompany you from the very beginning


We come to you! For the inventory and an on-site inspection, we will come by your place.

Water analysis

Whether it is softening, reverse osmosis, or adsorption on activated carbon - whichever method it is, a detailed analysis of the raw or wastewater is the basis of the further planning.

Reverse Osmosis System

Pilot test

A pilot test serves as the basis for the selection of the method and the dimensioning of the cleaning system. Weil Wasserbehandlung GmbH offers pilot tests, including measurement campaigns, at your site.

Evaluation and reporting

The results of the preliminary tests provide an objective basis for the decision on the optimal design of the water treatment.

Water treatment plant

After a successful consultation, you will receive a made-to-measure offer for a water treatment system suitable for your requirements.

Delivery, installation and commissioning

The prefabricated system parts are delivered, assembled on site and put into operation by our engineers and technicians - also internationally.

Maintenance and repair service

Regular service with maintenance and repair work by our service technicians make our offer complete for you.

We are happy to advise you.

We advise you according to your specific requirements and develop together with you tailor-made solutions for the treatment of process and drinking water as well as industrial wastewater treatment. Contact us or fill out our questionnaire right away. We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Seven Kalbertodt
Managing Director