Pure and Ultrapure water

Ultrapure water plant for the pharmaceutical industry

Washing, rinsing, heating, cooling - the industry in Germany needs around 9 billion cubic meters per year for the production of goods, food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. However, since the requirements for industrially used water differ significantly, our use is in demand.

We produce high-purity water from a wide variety of initial qualities.

With our innovative concepts, we have also made a name for ourselves in ultrapure water treatment. For several years, we have been planning and building ultrapure water systems for various large solar cell manufacturers. Even in medical technology, reverse osmosis (RO) systems are in operation by us. For example, we manufacture reverse osmosis systems for the operation of dialysis stations.

References Pure and Ultrapure water

Customer groups / Users:

  • Solar cell production
  • Chip manufacturing
  • Dialysis Clinics  
  • Analytical Laboratories
  • Colleges and Universities



  • Highest purity water quality from drinking or well water
  • High hygiene standards
  • The need for rinsing and analytical water


Solar cell production and chip manufacturing: 

We produce the purest water of the highest quality from well or drinking water.
Quality requirements: Particle-free, Germ-free, conductance 18 Mega Ohm (point of use)
System Requirements:  High reliability, Low maintenance, User-friendly
Problems: Highest purity water quality from drinking    or well water, high hygiene requirements, need for rinsing and analytical water


Laboratory applications 

Clean and ultrapure water systems on a small scale Customer groups / users: Universities, analytics, laboratories, research institutes, pharmaceutical, bio and chemical laboratories
Quality requirements:  Particle-free, Partially or completely desalinated, Germ-free, conductance 18 Mega Ohm (point of use)
Problem:  High ultrapure water quality with small purchase quantities, high quality requirements, economically interesting small plants, need for rinsing and analytical water


Dialysis applications: 

We have helped to develop what is the state of the technology today. Our systems have been used in dialysis centers and hospitals for about 15 years. At that time, WEIL Wasseraufbereitung was the first company in Europe to use hot-cleanable membranes (up to 95°C). In addition to hot-cleanable osmosis systems, we now also supply other components for dialysis machines, such as a water heating system for disinfection.