To ensure that drinking water of the highest purity comes out of the tap
There is plenty of water in Germany. But the often praised quality of drinking water does not come by itself! And the problems with unwanted ingredients will probably become bigger rather than smaller in the future... Also because we like to drink good water ourselves, we therefore see our task as helping suppliers and consumers alike to get the best possible water for health and enjoyment.
If water of the highest purity is to come directly from the water pipe, we turn on.
We are not only a competent technology partner for utilities (see below), but also supply municipalities, municipalities and industry with drinking water, the quality of which can be seen and tasted.
We bundle individual solutions for drinking water treatment for private households under our sister company ROWA Aquaristik GmbH®. Detached from worries about pollutants, you can enjoy our refined water fresh as a spring.
One focus of our company is planning and industrial plant construction. Our dearsenizing plants are used, for example, in India. In many areas, drinking water is poisoned by naturally occurring arsenic. A specially developed adsorbent material removes the arsenic without affecting the further water chemistry. In Germany, too, our dearsenizing systems are now used in many waterworks. Even in the beverage industry you will find filtration systems from us.
Customer groups / Users:
- Municipalities and local communities
- Beverage industry
- Private well owners
- Single and multi-family house owners
Hard water
We can offer you softening systems from small to big.
Process techniques:
- Ion exchanger Process/Technique
- Nanofiltration Systems
- Catalytic filter Technology
Depending on the volume flow and type of turbidity, different process techniques are suitable for turbidity filtration:
- Sand/Gravel Filtration
- Microfiltration
- Ultrafiltration
- Precipitation/Flocculation
Process techniques for nitrate Reduction
- Ion exchanger process
- Reverse osmosis (RO) systems
Process techniques for iron reduction
- Filter systems with special iron adsorption granules
- Filtration of iron oxide compounds
Process techniques for arsenic reduction
- Filtration systems with a special arsenic adsorption granulate
- Ion exchangers
- Reverse osmosis (RO) systems
Process techniques for manganese reduction
- Filtration systems with special manganese adsorption granules.
- Granulate regeneration is also possible without KMnO4 solution.